Story by HT Editor / September 14, 2021
Not all websites are good fit for our service, but in this article I will explain how we determine if a website can be successfully migrated and maintained on our platform and the steps for completing a migration.
As a web development and hosting company with over 20 years experience in WordPress, we have seen a lot of different ways that WordPress websites get built. This variety styles is a natural result of the numerous templates and tools that are part of the WordPress universe and the relative ease with which they can be employed.
The first step is determining if migration is a good idea is to do an analysis of the website structure. This can usually be done by logging into the WordPress administrator’s area and reviewing the “theme” that runs the website, and the plugins that have be installed. In determining if a site is a good fit for HaborTech services we are looking for a theme that is created with organized, “clean” code and does not rely on too many plugins to get things done.
A WordPress website can be created by a relative novice using prebuilt templates and an array of plugins. While often fairly attractive, these themes are generally bloated with code and not easily updated. The sites becomes heavy, slow and vulnerable to attack as the multiple plugins start to age open up security holes. When a developer relies on lots plugins, where simple code could do the job it creates problems for long-term maintenance and scalability.
Websites developed by HarborTech are custom designed WordPress themes, created with organized, clean code and efficient, easily scalable structure. This means the websites can be updated, expanded and improved easily over time. If the structure of the site is in good condition, we can then migrate site. The migration process is done with a series of simple procedures to ensure a smooth transition to the HarborTech platform.
The cornerstone of our work is using the YachtWorld API to create customized display and search systems.
Using the HaborTech boat display system you enter data in one place - via your YachtWorld account. Our system then syncs to it, gets your data and creates a stunning display on your website - always up-to-date and accessible on any device.
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